Do you ever have a time when you feel like life has gotten totally off track? We are there right now! Getting back on the road seems like it may never happen...Let's eat!! (Yes, I do turn to junk food in times of stress, more about that later.)
So here we go...keto! This week we are cooking up some special foods from our friends at Keto Connect, thanks Matt and Megha! Their blog is full of recipes that you will love and that will make you forget that you are in the middle of a life change. Supper tomorrow night will be The original zero carb pizza crust recipe here with some of our tastiest toppings! Your own taste dictates the toppings you use, we will try some mushrooms and hamburger with a sprinkling of mozzarella cheese. Those are our favorite toppings for pizza. For sauce I will use tomato sauce with tomato chunks and a bit of Italiano seasoning mixed in. On Friday daughter #2 and her kiddos are coming over for supper so I have to cook something that looks like real food, or they will not eat it. So, in steps the meatloaf at Keto Perfect recipe here with a few tweaks. I like meatloaf that is smothered in something! so I found this barbeque sauce that is only 2 carbs per serving....Tada

The stresses in life seem insurmountable at times, and this seems like one of those times. When and HOW did we get so sidetracked? The more I fight to get "normal" back the further away it seems. Normal, to me is just what you are used to and comfortable in. I am not comfortable when I get home at 5:30 and am not even sure what I planned to have for supper so we eat junk; when the house is such a mess we cannot even find the remote control (although this could be a good thing); when the laundry has not been done in so long the farmer has no socks to wear to work, if he could only find his shoes! When normal has slipped away I do not know how to get it back! The harder I try the further behind I slide. What am I doing wrong?? The Bible says "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!" Why am I not seeing this happen? Why do I feel so out of control? I am using all of the strength I can muster and still things are a mess.
The air is crisp as I sit on the patio ready to read my morning devotion. I do love to sit outside in the cool morning air and let God speak to me. Lately, though, I have not heard Him much...but life has been so hectic! As I pick up my phone to open my Bible app I notice how bright my screen seems. There is nothing to see as I look beyond my phone, everything is pitch black! As I ponder this, how dark it is, something else seems out of the ordinary, there is no sound. There is no sound of the birds waking up, no farm animal noises, no owls "talking" to each other, no rustling of leaves as the wind is calm. As I am in awe of this moment in time, God speaks..."When you are still, you will hear Me."
WOW! When was the last time I was still? When was the last time I was quiet? When was the last time I was listening? How can God speak to me if I am not listening? NOW I know why it is not working, my struggle get things back to fingers take me to Philippians 4:13; the scripture that reads "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me", NOT I can do all things myself! But "through Christ". What words of truth will God speak to me when I listen? I will hear how order can return when I let my Creator be in control once more. Who knows me better than He? He moves as I listen and trust. When I first became a Christian, God did not change me overnight. Over the years he has molded and refined me into what He wants me to be, and I am still a work in progress. There have been ALOT of ups and downs, this is one of many, but the thing is that on my own I am a mess, I am a sinner. We all are, and we are all in need of a savior. FAITH in Christ as my Savior is all I have ever needed! And now, FAITH will get me back on track. FAITH that God will lead me where He wants me to go. FAITH in where He will take me. Sometimes it takes life getting into a complete shambles before I am thankful for all that God gives me through FAITH. "Be still and know that I am God!"
Thank you for visiting the farm today! Come back often, we'll be waiting for you.
The Juhl's @
Sixth Day Farms
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